Projects List

Registration Portal

HTML5 and JavaScript is used for Front-end, CSS3 for Styling and Django is used as Framework.

Python HTML CSS JavaScript Django
Basic Calculator

This project is build using Python and Tkinter module is used to create Graphical User Interface.

Python Tkinter
Library Management System

This project is build using Python and Tkinter module is used to create Graphical User Interface.

Python Tkinter
Rock Paper Scissors Game

This is rock paper scissor game developed in Python 3 using django as framework

Python HTML CSS Django

This mini notepad project is developed using python3 and gui is made using tkinter library

Python Tkinter
Scientific Calculator

This is simple calculator developed using HTML CSS and JavaScript

HTML CSS JavaScript
Restaurant Site

Html and Bootstrap is used for front-end and Ajax is used for fetching the data.

HTML CSS JavaScript Ajax
Blog Site

Deals with Many to Many, One to One , One to many relationships and CRUD of Users and Blogs.

HTML CSS JavaScript Django jQuery
Facebook Clone

API system is used to perform most of the tasks, and has features like messenger and friend-request.

Python HTML CSS JavaScript Django Ajax jQuery Django Rest Framework SQLite
Jokes Api

We can add new jokes using REST API and also can fetch all jokes or a random joke on specified catagory.

Python Django Django Rest Framework SQLite